Our Community Gallery

Local Art Matters.

Our gallery features a highly curated collection of locally commissioned artworks as dynamic and enriching as the communities we serve.   Find unique and exclusive pieces for your private collection or join our monthly exhibitions. 

Visit Us.

Visiting an art gallery can be a fun and enriching experience! Our gallery offers a diverse range of artworks, from paintings and sculptures to photographs, installations, and multimedia pieces. Exploring different forms of art and discovering new artists can be a fascinating and enjoyable experience. Art is subjective, and visiting an art gallery allows you to interpret and connect with artworks in your unique way. It encourages personal reflection, introspection, and encourages you to engage with the artwork on an emotional and intellectual level.

Our gallery often showcases artworks that reflect the culture, history, and identity of Rancho Cucamonga. Visiting can provide a window into different cultures, broaden your horizons, and deepen your appreciation for diversity. Seeing a wide range of artistic styles, techniques, and themes can inspire your own creativity and artistic expression.

We hope our gallery can be a source of inspiration for artists, designers, and creative individuals, igniting new ideas and perspectives.